Collaboration Countdown Week at London Towne!

Counting down the last days of school of 2018

By Rachel Lanier
December 21, 2018

We ended 2018 by celebrating one of our schoolwide goals:  Collaboration!  This week, London Towne students had the opportunity to participate in themed dress-up days to promote using collaborator skills in a fun way:

Monday -- Put on your collaborator hat!  Wear a hat and ask a question about someone else's hat.  

Team Tuesday -- Share ideas with your team!  Dress like your twin, trio, or team.  

Wacky Wednesday -- Wear a mismatched outfit or a crazy hairstyle!  Then give feedback on someone's creative idea!

Thursday -- Stretch your body and mind!  Wear workout clothes and expand your point of view!

Friday -- Encourage each other and celebrate!  Wear your favorite winter-themed clothing or pajamas. 


Check out photos from the week below! 

Collaboration Countdown Photos