What skills does a student need to become a successful Portrait of a Graduate?

- Applies effective reading skills to acquire knowledge and broaden perspectives.
- Employs active listening strategies to advance understanding.
- Speaks in a purposeful manner to inform, influence, motivate, or entertain listeners.
- Incorporates effective writing skills for various purposes and audiences to convey understanding and concepts.
- Uses technological skills and contemporary digital tools to explore and exchange ideas.

- Respects divergent thinking to engage others in thoughtful discussion.
- Demonstrates the ability to work interdependently within a group to promote learning, increase productivity, and achieve common goals.
- Analyzes and constructs arguments and positions to ensure examination of a full range of viewpoints.
- Seeks and uses feedback from others to adapt ideas and persist in accomplishing difficult tasks.

Ethical and Global Citizen
- Acknowledges and understands diverse perspectives and cultures when considering local, national, and world issues.
- Contributes to solutions that benefit the broader community.
- Communicates effectively in multiple languages to make meaningful connections.
- Promotes environmental stewardship.
- Understands the foundations of our country and values our rights, privileges, and responsibilities.
- Demonstrates empathy, compassion, and respect for others.
- Acts responsibly and ethically to build trust and lead.

Creative and Critical Thinker
- Engages in problem solving, inquiry, and design of innovative solutions to overcome obstacles to improve outcomes.
- Uses information in novel and creative ways to strengthen comprehension and deepen awareness.
- Demonstrates divergent and ingenious thought to enhance the design-build process.
- Expresses thought, ideas, and emotions meaningfully through the arts.
- Evaluates ideas and information sources for validity, relevance, and impact.
- Reasons through and weighs evidence to reach conclusions.

Goal-Directed and Resilient Individual
- Engages in healthy and positive practices and relationships to promote overall physical and mental well-being.
- Persists to accomplish difficult tasks and to overcome academic and personal barriers to meet goals.
- Uses time and financial resources wisely to set goals, complete tasks, and manage projects.
- Shows strong understanding and belief of self to engage in reflection for individual improvement and advocacy.
Language: English