100 Days of School!

By Rachel Lanier
February 15, 2019

London Towne kindergarteners celebrated 100 days of school by participating in fun, collaborative activities, such as cup stacking, graphing, sorting, and making groups of 10!  They also dressed like 100 year olds.  

picture of students stacking cups
Students collaborate on building a tower of 100 cups. 
picture of students stacking cups
Great teamwork! 
picture of students graphing objects
Students graphing 100 objects to compare sizes. 
pictures of students sorting snacks
Students sorting 10 delicious groups for a total of 100 snacks!
students making portraits of themselves at age 100
Students making portraits of themselves at age 100. 
picture of students dressed as 100 year olds
Students modeling outfits of 100 year olds and shirts that show 100 objects!